If you are serious about increasing the number of implants you place then this is a MUST DO programme.  Bill and I will give you the tools to at least double, but more than likely quadruple the uptake of implant treatment plans.

Bill’s practice ‘The Implant Centre’, places more implants than any other in the UK.  You will get to watch how we communicate complicated material with ease and in a way that engages patients. You will learn what should be included in a treatment plan consultation and be able to explain informed consent comfortably. We will help you ensure your patient doesn’t refuse the treatment because they are afraid of the procedure.


  • Would you like more of your implant treatment plans accepted and paid for by your patients?
  • Do you feel your treatment is worth more than you are getting paid?
  • Have you ever found yourself thinking one fee in your head but by the time it comes out of your mouth you have reduced it?
  • Are you frustrated that you are unable to deliver the type of dentistry that you would love to do?


Book Online Now!

  • Build instant rapport with your patients- get them to like you instantly
  • Discover the eight questions that must be asked in every consultation in the correct order, which will enable you to create more implant opportunities
  • Understand the six emotional reasons why patients buy implant treatments
  • Speak the language that excites the patient and encourages them to take action NOW
  • Eliminate waffle and technical jargon forever
  • Discover strategies which will enable you to be more confident when discussing your fees
  • Develop a five-step approach to overcome all your patients’ concerns and objections in a very ethical manner
  • Feel more comfortable discussing large implant treatment plans. You will never undercharge again
  • Be confident in gaining commitment from your patients. Make closing easy and seamless
  • Communicate with self-confidence, clarity and re-assurance
  • Learn how to ask for referrals and build a pipeline of the right type of patients through your door
  • Learn how to stand out from the competition wherever they may be
  • Learn how to communicate with self-confidence when you receive an objection for example ‘That seems expensive, I can get this treatment cheaper overseas’
  • Learn the correct communication skills that influences the patient to take up treatment, that will benefit their health
  • Learn that language that dissuades patients from taking up treatment, especially when you are communicating consent
  •  Eliminate the language that deters patients from moving forward with implant treatment
  •  Be able to communicate patient consent with confidence, without detering the patient from moving forward with the treatment
  • Overcome all price objections, there are 6 different ones, particular the ones where the patient say they can get the treatment cheaper abroad


Explaining Implant Treatment can be complicated and many mistakes have been made by dentists that ultimately can confuse the patient and in many cases can deter the patient from proceeding with the treatment. Bill Schaeffer has taken my Ethical Sales and Communication Programme over a dozen times. He now has the communication skills down to a fine art and this section is designed to help you create more opportunities to increase your treatment plan acceptance rate.

  • Using the appropriate language to deliver your message without it sounding daunting.
  • What to discuss at the consultation and which information is required to gain informed consent
  • Communicate complicated material with ease and positivity
  • Ensure that your patient does not refuse the treatment because they are afraid of the procedure
  • The two step approach to dealing with complex treatment cases
  • What should be included in a treatment plan and what can be omitted
BONUS Three Hour zoom Session with Myself and Bill Schaeffer
Marketing for implants- Discover the top strategies & methods to create new implant opportunities and increase the number of implants that you place by at least 100%.

In terms of placing implants, the UK has one of the lowest numbers in Europe, it is still an untapped market. In this Three-Hour Webinar, Ashley and Bill will share with you the top tips to significantly increase your numbers, so that you can deliver the dentistry that you love to do, and most importantly your patients want. You will discover:

  • From scratch learn how to create a referral network of dentists referring patients to you willingly and often
  • How to maintain and nurture these referring dentists’ relationships, so it gets stronger and the numbers grow.
  • How to create new implant opportunities within your existing database, there are thousands of pounds worth of opportunities just sitting there.
  • How to become the number one go-to dentist in your area. What you need to do to grow your positioning in your marketplace and become the go to dentist. Have patients willingly make appointments with you and pay higher fees to do so.
  • Sales in print- What needs to be on your website and what puts patients off. We will go through how a patient visits your website implant page, and what puts them off. You will receive the perfect template for your implant website page, that will create more opportunities.
  • How to get 5 star google reviews easily and often.
  • How to get 70% of your patients to share their life changing stories with you and how you can use them in your marketing.
  • Feel confident asking for referrals and build a pipeline of the right type of patients coming through your door.
  • Brochures the does and don’ts.
  • What goes in a treatment plan and what does not
  • The importance of a TCO in creating new opportunities and providing world class patient service.
  • How to use social media in promoting your Practice.
  • The one form advertising that you should be doing that you are probably not. It can probably bring about the best R.O.I of them all.

Dentsplysirona are providing 100,000 DS points to all DS customers who attend this course. This is the equivalent to £1000. * Ethical Sales and Communication Implant Programme 100,000 DS Points Promotion Terms & Conditions

  • 1 DS Points Plus credit of 100,000 (£1,000 / €1,000 equivalent) loyalty points per Dental Practice account only, subject to completion of the Ethical Sales and Communication Implant Programme course on the advertised date and regardless of the number of delegates attending from a qualifying Dental Practice
  • A qualifying Dental Practice must be an existing Dentsply Sirona customer and have a valid dentsplysirona.com online ordering account in place prior to commencement of the course
  • In order to apply the DS Points Plus credit you agree to your personal details to be shared with Dentsply Sirona
  • Allow 28 Days for points credit to be applied. No cash or product alternative available.
  • Points expire 2 years after the date of award.
  • Standard Dentsply Sirona Purchase Terms & Conditions apply for Dentsply Sirona purchased items and for products redeemed using DS Points Plus loyalty points.
  • This promotion cannot be redeemed in conjunction with any other offer.
  • Dentsply Sirona reserves the right to remove this promotion at any time.
  • This promotion is governed by the Laws of England & Wales.
The Straumann number one Implant provider in the UK:
“My advice to any practice wanting to get the whole team passionate about providing the highest quality of care to your existing and potential new patients, would be to get Ashley in for invaluable one on one mentoring. It really is a fun, engaging 2 days, which covers all aspects of the patient journey. It’s like having a personal coach or a personal trainer! Having Ashley at your practice will help your whole team achieve their full potential! “
Mohsin Patel 
Infinity Dental 
“I delayed going on Ashley’s course for over a year…oh boy was I wrong! My conversion rates for treatments have soared! Don’t make the same mistake I did- book on to Ashleys course NOW- not tomorrow or next week but NOW! I’ve taken an Ashley Latter course every year for the last twelve years and I’m excited now to be a mentor on the course”
Dr Bill Schaeffer
Specialist dentist, The Implant Centre 
“You don’t know what you don’t know until you’ve seen and heard it…Take the plunge, you won’t regret it and it will pay for itself. The week after the course I booked in over £20k of new implant treatments”
Dr Andy Denny
Cosmetic Dentist, Twenty 2 Dental

“I took the implant specific sales course with Ashley Latter several years ago now. I have previously taken Ashley’s sales courses and it’s one of those things you use every day, eventually without thinking about it. The idea of one specific to implant dentistry with two very successful implant dentists was very appealing.

I gained a wealth of specific documents and ideas from the course that definitely allowed me to move my implant practice forward. Both the speakers were really helpful and shared a lot of content from their practices as well as their knowledge.

I would recommend this course to anyone who places dental implants and wants to place more!”
Dr Alex Jones
Dental Implantologist, PDC Dental Implants

“A very different course to all the academic ones I’ve done before. Sales was alien to me. The benefits will pay for themselves very quickly. Ashley is one on one with you, non judgemental and helps you through your problems. Having Bill and Stephen here was fantastic. I’m surprised how much I’ve benefited from the course. I’m coming back with the whole team” 
Dr Paul Wilson
Stoke Bishop Dental Centre

“It’s the third time I’ve done the course. I keep coming back because each time I get something new out of it. Tremendous support from Stephen Jacobs and Bill Schaeffer… They’ve helped with consent and given me more confidence in selling complex treatment plans”
Dr Simon Belford
Clinical Director, Alington Dental

Your investment includes

  • Two-day programme
  • Comprehensive manual
  • Copies for Ashley’s books “Don’t wait for the tooth fairy” and “You are worth it”
  • 18 hours CPD
  • All refreshments and lunch
  • BONUS three-hour Zoom session
  • Further follow up coaching call 3 months after the course.

From Bill 

  • Copies of consent forms
  • Treatment plans
  • Marketing materials
  • Medical history forms
  • Explanation of dental implant treatment
  • …and more

We find that real breakthroughs happen when practices bring their team along to the courses. We have now introduced two package options that allow an affordable way for team members to come along to the courses with the dentists. To get to know more about these packages please contact the office on 0161 724 8728 or email [email protected]


For more information please call 0161 724 8728. Early booking is absolutely essential for this course. This is the eighth time we have delivered this course and it has been sold out every time. Early enrolment is strongly advised. 




A percentage of our earnings supports bridge2aid and The Fed


Clients tell us that they have achieved the following outcomes as a result of taking part on the programme:
  • Increased uptake of implant treatment plans
  • Stronger relationships with their patients leading to an increase in referrals
  • Talking money with more confidence and achieving better prices for their services
  • More confidence in dealing with patients objections
  • Entire team singing from the same hymn sheet
  • A world class patient journey

Book Online Now!