Every new enquiry is potentially worth £3000 if the patient joins your plan and stays with you for many years, but this does not include family or friends, this is why the receptionists are possibly the most important people in your practice, but in some cases they are answering the phones with little or no training. I call them The Managing Directors of First Impressions.

This programme is a mixture of presentation, facilitation, discussion, and hands on coaching. Your receptionists will develop new behaviours and new skills, so that your practice will stand out from the competition and ensure that enquiries into your practice, turn into appointments. This online course does exactly what it says on the tin. We will coach all your team members on how to take an enquiry and turn it into an appointment and you can learn all these skills from your own practice, no travel and no accommodation costs to a venue.

This course is specifically focussed on those members of the practice team who are involved in handling new and even existing patient telephone enquiries and emails. If you have a Dental Membership in place, we will show you how to sell it ethically, so that you can grow the numbers of patients to your practice. We will even show you how to discuss your fees with self-confidence, even if you are more expensive than the practice down the road. If that is not enough, we will follow up with you a month after the programme to deliver some further coaching and share best practice.


Here is a list of outcomes:

  • Discover the skills that are paramount in becoming world class on the telephone
  • Create a memorable first impression – stand out from the competition
  • Know your numbers – understand the value of each call to your practice
  • Speak the language of benefits to excite the patient – motivate the patient to take action NOW
  • Develop outstanding communication skills – eliminate waffle
  • Become outstanding at building rapport and asking questions to understand what the patient is interested in
  • Discuss your fees with assurance and self-confidence. Be proud of your fees – even when you are more expensive than the Practice down the road
  • Design a practice telephone protocol – know all the steps
  • Develop a winning attitude and extra self confidence
  • Learn how to convert patients enquiring about NHS into private patients
  • Use enquiry measurement tools – find out what marketing is working and what is not
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Learn how to close and turn more enquiries into appointments
  • Develop some scripts to turn email enquiries into appointments
  • Why it is important that new enquiries are not dealt with at the desk
  • How to sell your Membership Plan and have more patients saying yes to your plans.

Fees only £500 (+ VAT) per practice


  • Full days training
  • One link to each practice, however, you can have unlimited numbers from your practice
  • Manual, full scripts of everything that we go through on the course, two signed copies of Don’t wait for the Tooth Fairy (how to communicate effectively and create the perfect patient journey in your dental practice).
  • 6 hours CPD certificates for all your team members in attendance
  • Follow up coaching call by Zoom one month after the course (this will last for around 60 minutes) each practice reports back on their progress and you will learn from each other.

Each practice will also be given my online reception course “From first call to long term patient” this is a three-hour programme filmed in a dental practice four years ago which you will have for life. This sells on my website for £997 and is an excellent resource to have after the course and for any new members that join your team – you will receive this for free.

Programme strictly limited to 25 Practices only so that we can answer all your questions

To book onto the course, please either book online, call Lissa Mann on 07974 463525 or email lissa@thesellingcoach.com

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A percentage of our earnings supports bridge2aid and The Fed

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Clients tell us that they have achieved the following outcomes as a result of taking part on the programme:
  • Increased uptake of treatment plans
  • Stronger relationships with their patients leading to an increase in referrals
  • Talking money with more confidence and achieving better prices for their services
  • More confidence in dealing with patients objections
  • Entire team singing from the same hymn sheet
  • A world class patient journey

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