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Probably the best personal development programme for your kids (16-24 years of age) available anywhere in the UK. This course will help them to develop the most essential of skills, giving them the edge when they enter the job market and allowing them to succeed in the big wide world.

The chances are we are entering into one of the most challenging economic periods that there has been for quite some time. The job market is going to be a lot tougher than recent years and with many applicants applying for the same position, competition is going to be tougher than ever.

With this in mind, I have developed a day of personal development to give your children the most essential life skills, that will assist them in competing in the real world, help them get the job of their dreams and give them crucial skills to help them in their future careers.

In this long day of coaching, in the morning I will coach all the delegates on developing Ethical Sales and Presentation skills and how to effectively present to groups of people and sell your ideas with self-confidence

In the afternoon, I will then put them into four teams of four delegates, where they will work together applying all the skills they learnt in the morning and they will compete against three other groups for a business contract. It is literally Dragon’s Den meets the Apprentice – on steroids.

I have spent many hours developing this programme and I honestly believe there will not be a programme like this anywhere in the UK. It will be stretching, inspirational and a lot of fun.

With regards to fees, it will be a nominal fee of £250 per person and every penny raised will go to three different charities, one of the charities will be Bridge to Aid.

If you want to give your child a real advantage at the start of their career, then please chat with them about this and sign them up for what promises to be a fantastic day.
If you have taken any programmes with me, you will know the quality and the impact my courses have. I honestly believe this will have the same impact and will be an incredible day of personal development.
Please email [email protected] for your interest in this programme.
Kind regards
PS Because of the nature of this programme and because everyone is going to get personal coaching from me, I can only take 16 delegates.

Your instructor for this course is Ashley Latter.


A percentage of our earnings supports bridge2aid and The Fed

Download A Pdf On The Course Programme


PS Because of the nature of this programme and because everyone is going to get personal coaching from we can only take 12 delegates. Please email me [email protected]

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